Monday, August 29, 2005

Broke down

I can hardly believe it. I'm in a foreign country and what did I eat today? Chinese food for lunch and good old KFC for dinner. The Chinese was excellent, but at dinner I decided to get something to go, and KFC was the easiest. Well, if I'm going to be mainly eating beans and rice for a while, I figured it wouldn't kill me to have a taste of home. Who knows, maybe fast food in Peru is healthier than in the States. Very doubtful, but oh well. Oh, and I had chocolate cupcakes for dessert. Maybe tomorrow I'll have Tony Roma's for some down home barbeque ribs. Globalization, that is what is overtaking the entire world. On the street, it is relatively easy to find Doritos and Gatorade. McDonald's signs adorn the buses rumbling down the street. Next thing you know, there'll be a 7-11 out in the middle of the jungle.
In comparison to the lowlands east of the Andes, Lima seems quite affluent. There are many very nice towering apartment where only people with money could afford to live. Though not all of them are full. Every morning in Lima, except for Sunday, at exactly 730 in the morning (and I mean on the nose), there is sawing and hammering and downright thunderings coming from the building that is being renovated within a few feet of the wall of my room. I bet most of my friends and family find it hard to believe that I am even capable of waking up at that time. In my defense, the noise is almost deafening. There's no way I can aviod it. It's worse at the research site. The residents start moving around 4 and start making breakfast at 5. There is no way to avoid the noise, as there is a single wall of 2x4's separating me from the noise. But it is easy to go to bed because it is so cold and there is no electricity. One week til I am back there.


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