Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Back to the wild

Wow, time is flying here. Today was my fifth week in Peru. And we are leaving to go back to the field tomorrow morning, and going to try to return in 3 weeks or so on the 18th. This means that we will be here on the 18th if there are no strikes, dead cows in the road, and room on the bus (we have learned to reserve spaces). I am excited, and am eager to get out of the hustle and bustle and dirt of the city and return to our little cabin in the woods that is free of pollution, trash, and people...que lindo. I did get to see some sights in Cuzco...a few are below in pics). Cusco has been fascinating, which is a good thing since I return here every 3 weeks or so. Well, until next time. Lots of love from the bosque nublado.

The hills of Cusco Posted by Picasa

There are lots of things to look at the hills, if you can drag your eyes away from the sights below (for me, it has been counting mullets on tourists...there are alot) Posted by Picasa

Other direction Posted by Picasa

The view from the statue, on Av. Pachacutec
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A kind of awkward picture, but trust me...it looks way better than the others Posted by Picasa

Well, sorry, I think I spelled his name wrong, but I had asked my gu�a how to spell it, so blame her, not me Posted by Picasa

the statue of Pachacutec up close
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On a walk we found some old streets and falling down houses where the people of Cuzco live. It is always interesting to see how other people live and deal with their lives, and I have loved the way the people in Cusco deal with everything. They have been generally very friendly and nice, and willing to help. Posted by Picasa

We were unsure why the apple was there. This is a restaurant and bar that is for the nightlife of Cuzco, i.e. expensive. Posted by Picasa

Look, Mom...I am praying for my safety underneath my guardian angel here in Cuzco. Posted by Picasa

These women bring their llamas to the city so you will pay to take a picture...I was once spit on one in the zoo, so I have chosen to pass on that.  Posted by Picasa

Perfect photo...with my eyes closed Posted by Picasa

Place your hands here for good luck...doubtful Posted by Picasa

Colorful door, which means expensive food Posted by Picasa

in front of a fountain, trying not to get sprayed upon Posted by Picasa

After our long night of drinking and partying, we enter the daylight...just a joke...we are too poor to go out drinking Posted by Picasa

Me and my gu�a (guide)...we have a lot of jokes about this, because I remember the direction of places a lot better than Madeleine, so she often calls me her guide. Posted by Picasa

Madeleine and I after a long night of partying...Just kidding Mom and Dad. We were in a Irish pub in the middle of the afternoon. Posted by Picasa

La torre de Pachacutec Posted by Picasa

La Policia Nacional de Cuzco Posted by Picasa

Everyone here wears uniforms, so kids in the US should feel lucky Posted by Picasa

The Plaza de Armas was full Posted by Picasa

a parade for the different schools Posted by Picasa

Me and my cheesecake...yes, you can put on the pounds in Cuzco if you want, I think I now know all the places for the most fattening foods...I have a nose for these places Posted by Picasa

Made and her first tiramisu Posted by Picasa