Friday, December 30, 2005

Malaxis Posted by Picasa

Malaxis Posted by Picasa

Telipogon, it gets pollinated by tricking insects to copulate with it Posted by Picasa

Maxillaria Posted by Picasa

A new fav, i like the purple veins Posted by Picasa

Habenaria Posted by Picasa

Elleanthus Posted by Picasa

Hairy fairy Posted by Picasa

Epi Posted by Picasa

Who knows Posted by Picasa

Masdevallia Posted by Picasa

Masdevallia Posted by Picasa

Epi with a fringe Posted by Picasa

Another epi Posted by Picasa

Tickle fight Posted by Picasa

Martin and I goofing off Posted by Picasa

me and the gang Posted by Picasa

It took many attempts to get Daisy to smile for the camera Posted by Picasa

Having fun with a lycaste, that has a giant orange lip that looks like a tongue Posted by Picasa

Stella and the family Posted by Picasa

My Peruvian family Posted by Picasa

The Brazilian team, working in Peru Posted by Picasa

Stella and her Telipogon, which she tried to eat afterwards Posted by Picasa

Waterfall, top view Posted by Picasa

Lucio and I are holding up the wall while Stella micromanages Posted by Picasa