Saturday, January 07, 2006

Peru, second time around.

So I made it to Peru safe and sound, sleeping the entire way. Which was fortunate for my sake, because the lady next to me had a little baby. So I did not hear it the entire way down, yea for exhaustion. Yesterday we visited some ruins, which were very interested. They are actually rebuilding the ruins and adding walls and bricks. I was curious to know how they knew what it used to look like. Adding a few things here and there is one way, but to completely reconstruct this temple on top of ruins? It is not a common thing in the states. If we have ruins, we leave them alone for the most part. Our guide told us it will take 24 more years to finish the project. They would sacrifice to the temple by killing women and burying them or closing them behind the walls. I am sure they will not continue the practice today during the reconstruction. The rest of my time here in Lima was spent relaxing, making it my vacation time from my hectic Christmas "break", which was spent running from here to there all the time. Today we leave for Cusco, and Monday I leave for the field for an undetermined amount of time.


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