Monday, May 15, 2006

April research

Well, we met John and his posse of peruvians to go to Wayqichas for over a week. We had to ride in a combi (a small bus) to the field, and my head just reached below the ceiling. John, being taller than me, had to lie down the entire time. I must confess, this guys were not the same as the Andean guys I normally work with. When they found out that I dont usually get meat, they insisted on bringing frozen chicken to the field site, along with other things that I usually do with out. They also brought alot of canned meats, which turned out to be good because ACCA was slow in sending food again. Life was pretty much normal, except that we camped up away from the cabin, because ACCA invaded my life by sending 25 guys to live in the cabin with me (luckily, I do not have to share my room). All the workers had to go into town to vote one day, so I offered to stay down below by myself for 2 nites. It was fantastic, the most peace and quiet I have had in a while. I also got to make my own food, and I surprised even myself with flapjacks, no eggs. We put in 20 transects, but very few orchids. I tend to find more orchids when I dont worry that John wants a certain type of forest for his transects.
The Star-Telegram sent two ladies, a photographer and a journalist, to interview us about the project. We were afraid the driver would miss the entrance. We only had a few plots to check, so Made, Martin and I made a sign. We couldn't find a big marker, so we had the bright idea to use Made's watercolors. Well, a slight fight ended up leading to painting our faces like natives..."orchid natives." It was a lot of fun.


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