Sunday, September 04, 2005

Last day of Civilization

Well, this is the last time I have internet access for at least two weeks, maybe three. Tomorrow morning we will load a massive amount of supplies, some of which are unnecessary. Such as oreos and candy. But not to say that I won´t mind variety. Beans and rice every day can get old, so I welcome fresh fruits and vegetables, even if it makes for excess baggage. We are riding local style, on a local bus that is going to drop us off partway to the destination. We have been all over Cusco trying to collect supplies. I have almost been run over by a couple taxis, but no brushes with death. I have also not caught any new bacteria, but it is too early to tell for sure.
I want to take more pictures, but that´ll have to wait until next time. When we come back in town in two weeks, it´ll be for a couple days to get some more supplies. I try not to eat food here that I see them make, because the sight of bare hands handling food kinda turns me off of my meal. The smells in the market and the streets are very strong and powerful. Not my favorite. Occasionally, there is a whiff of raw meat and urine. But around the fruit stalls and the bread vendors the smells are awesome.


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